School Seminar Title: INTUITEL - Merging machine based reasoning with learning technology

Speaker: Peter A. Henning
Institute for Computers in Education, Karlsruhe, Germany
Professor for Computer Science at Karlsruhe U of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe
Professor for Information Business Technology at Steinbeis University, Berlin

Date: 2013-04-25 (Thursday)

Time: 12pm

Place: LCR

Discipline: External



In this EU project, several existing learning management systems (LMS) will be equipped with interfaces that couple them to an external system. This system will watch the progress of learners taking courses in the LMS, and compare this to a semantic model of this particular learning process. Depending on learner results, but also on external factors (like the learner attitude, learning environment etc.), the INTUITEL system will then exhibit didactical recommendations to the learner. In its overall effect, the INTUITEL-Enhanced LMS will appear as a pedagogically skilled teacher guiding learners on a very individual learning path to the desired goal.

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