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Designing for emotion and attention regulation

Prof. Corina Sas, University of Lancaster
12.00  23rd Feb 2023


The last decade has witnessed a significant growth of HCI interest in affective and mindfulness technologies, with a focus on computerized therapy, or audio-visual interfaces for guided mindfulness meditation. In contrast, technologies leveraging primarily the body through biosensors or haptic actuators have received however less attention. This talk will provide an overview of my research in this space, illustrated through design exemplars of technologies supporting emotional awareness and regulation, as well those supporting attention regulation. Such work focuses on the exploration of bodily experienced and highlights novel design implications to inform the more sensitive design of future affective and mindfulness technologies.

Short Bio

Corina Sas is Professor in Human-Computer Interaction with the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University, UK.
Corina’s research focuses on technologies for wellbeing, mental health, and memory, and novel tools for designing them. Her work integrates wearable biosensors, mobile and lifelogging technologies with the aim to shape interaction design and user experience. Corina serves as Technical Program Co-Chair for ACM CHI 2024, the flagship Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair for ACM DIS 2023: Designing Interactive Systems, and has been Co-Chair for the ACM C&C 2021, 2022: Creativity and Cognition Conference, and British HCI Conference 2007. Corina is member of the Editorial Boards of the ACM Transactions in Human-Computer Interaction, and Taylor & Francis Human Computer Interaction journals. She has published over 200 papers, and her work received extensive media coverage as well as 5 Best Paper and Honourable Mention Awards. She also received several Awards for excellence in research leadership and has been investigator on grants totalling over £15 million, including the lead of two prestigious EC-funded Marie Curie Innovative Training Networks which provided interdisciplinary PhD training to 28 early career researchers. Corina supervised to completion 14 PhD students, and in 2021 was shortlisted by the UK Times Higher Education for the Outstanding Research Supervisor of the Year Award. 


Large Conference Room, O’Reilly Institute